Call for papers VIII Congreso de historiadores españoles, belgas y neerlandeses/ VIII Conference of Spanish, Belgian and Dutch historians.

VIII Conference of Spanish, Belgian and Dutch historians.
The Institutions of the Habsburg Low Countries (16th – 18th centuries)
In honour of Professor Hugo de Schepper
Nijmegen, 26-27 May 2016

Since the 1970s the institutional history of the Habsburg Low Countries has regained the interest of historians, chief among them Professor Hugo de Schepper, whose dissertation on the ‘Collateral Councils’ in the period 1579-1609 has influenced a generation of younger scholars. Professor De Schepper was also one of the organizers of the first Hispanic-Dutch Conference in 1984, which was followed by six more editions and included Belgian historians in the last meeting of 2007.

This conference intends to continue the tradition of the Hispanic-Dutch-Belgian meetings and will bring together a number of established and early-career researchers working in the field of the institutional history of the Habsburg Low Countries from the 16th to the 18th century. It aims to draw attention to a broad range of political, economic, religious and cultural institutions by focussing on the enriching approaches that have shaped historical research on institutional history in the past few decades. At the same time, it hopes to bring into the limelight some exciting new (and often interdisciplinary) perspectives that characterize current research in the field.

The conference will be held in honour of Prof. De Schepper at his former home institution, the University of Nijmegen (currently Radboud University). Prof. De Schepper is currently in the process of revising and updating his doctoral dissertation, which will be published by the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium in 2016 and will be presented to the audience by the author himself.
ORGANIZERSDries Raeymaekers (Radboud University Nijmegen) and José Eloy Hortal Muñoz (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)

ACADEMIC SECRETARIESGijs Versteegen (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) and Pierre-François Pirlet (Universitè de Liège)

DATE26-27 May 2016

FORMS OF PARTICIPATIONPresentations of papers (20 mins.)

LANGUAGES: English, French, Spanish

PERIOD OF REGISTRATION:: Proposals for papers should include the title, an abstract of maximum 300 words, and a short CV of the presenter, and should be sent by 15 December 2015 to,; and
We especially encourage early-career researchers to present their work at the conference.
Some financial assistance will be available.

Proposals are invited on the following topics:

  • Political institutions
  • Court institutions
  • Religious institutions
  • Legal institutions
  • Cultural institutions
  • Social institutions
  • Commercial institutions
  • Military institutions
  • Royal Sites, palaces or buildings


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